Active Threats
Shows how many un-remediated threats are currently affecting your organisation.
Threats By Risk Level
Shows a breakdown of threats according to their severity.
Threat Remediations
This section shows how many threat remediations have been completed and how many remain incomplete. Clicking on the red area of the chart will take you to your Threat List showing all the threats that need attention. Clicking the green area of the chart will take you to your Threat List showing all the threats you've remediated.
Top Asset Groups by Threats
Shows up to the top five asset groups within your organisation that are most affected by threats.
Threat Remediation Performance
Shows how well your remediation activities are performing against identified threats.
Clicking on the bar will take you to the specific threat within your Threat List.
When you have no threats or you've remedied all your threats, you'll be presented with green ticks on your Threat Dashboard.